Discover how to use this unique Wedding Venue Tour Booking System to UNLOCK THOUSANDS of $$$$$ from Wedding Venue Bookings in 2025 and beyond!
Claim your FREE 'Wedding Venue Pricing & Packages' session when you sign up for The Wedding Venue Tour Booking System! Valued at $297
Say YES to Amazing Bridal Couples (Not Price Shoppers!!!)
Say YES to a Proven System (Not What Other Venues Do!!!)
Say YES to a Built-in Follow Up System (Never Miss a Lead!!!)
Say YES to Purposeful Meta Ads (That Work!!!)
When you use a system like this - you won't have to worry about time-wasters and no-shows!
The system does all the work for you! You won't have to chase or follow-up manually!
Say goodbye to wasted $$$ spent on non-performing ads and marketing campaigns
I've seen so many wedding venues struggle since 2020! It's as if the old way of finding and booking a wedding venue has gone completely out of the window!
Use this powerful 4 package strategy and watch how easy it is to book more venue tours and sell more wedding bookings!
When you understand these 4 bridal personality types, you'll know exactly how to align your entire marketing system!
Use this specific 4+ specific tour dates system to bring in a ton of tour bookings with high-quality pre-qualified bridal couples!
Running ads for the sake of ads is a waste of time and money. When you follow this strategic plan - you get more bookings!
This Wedding Venue Tour Booking System is unlike anything else you'll find out there!
It's a proven system that I personally use for my Exclusive Bridal Expo business!
Bridal couples already know what's included in your packages!
They've already been pre-qualified as 'WARM/HOT' Leads!
They are paying for the tour so you can say goodbye to No-Shows!
They'll receive all the 'reminder notifications' they need (without you having to do anything)!
It all starts with your pricing and packages. Get that right and you'll already have your dream bridal couples asking for your bank details!
Stop marketing to the masses! With this system, you'll be using my unique 4 bridal personality system to attract couples who'll love your venue!
You and your team do not need to be wasting time and money on venue tours with couples that have no desire to book your wedding venue!
Perfect for any wedding venue no matter where you live in the world!
Perfect for you if you have no clue how to run your own ads on Facebook and/or Instagram!
Perfect for any venue that is struggling to get more wedding venue tours booked!
Perfect for your wedding venue if you've had a recent revamp or if your venue in brand new!
Perfect if you've tried using ads before and had absolutely no luck or wasted your money!
Perfect if you're wasting your time and money on Google Ads for your venue!
Perfect if you don't want to hire a marketing company to run your ads anymore!
Perfect if you want to try something that your competitors are not doing!
Perfect if you want more tours, more bookings, and more money in bank account!
Get a FREE Pricing & Packages Coaching Session With Me (Valued at $297)!
Get the ENTIRE Wedding Venue Tour Booking System (I'll set it all up for you/with you) (Valued at $3500!)
Get all the BONUS Tools and Templates you'll need to roll out the system! (Valued at $1500)
Get access to me for 30 days! (I'll be there to support as the system rolls out) (Valued at $1500)
Use The Most Effective Marketing Strategy for Wedding Venues!
From the time you sign up - you'll receive everything you need, including tools, templates, instructions, and my personal contact details!
I'll work with you or for you to get the entire wedding venue tour booking system set up. I'll also help with any issues/troubleshooting!
Simply copy and paste the system every time you want to put this vehicle into action! You have full access to the entire system to use as you please!
"After my pricing and packages call with Nats...
And sold my biggest 'DIAMOND' package the very next day!"
Kathy - Wedding Venue in Texas, US
Just like anything related to 'Marketing your wedding venue'
Bridal couples have the final say!
If your marketing, pricing, branding etc does not align with your dream clients - they will not book!
So you attract the right couples!
So you deliver the right ads!
So you price and package your venue correctly!
So you get the results you want!
In full transparency, I can and will do everything to make this system a success for your wedding venue
and you will have my full input and attention as they system is implemented for your business...
But, I have to mention before you purchase that the results you get can and may be different every time you run the ads!
This can be due to several external circumstances including seasonality, location, etc!
I hope you appreciate my honesty and understand the following concept:
Part of my 'job' as an exclusive bridal fairs / expos event organizer and marketer is finding and attracting the RIGHT couples!
Since 2013, I have hosted tons of bridal expo events at top wedding venues and one of the things I have been able to really per-fect is TRAFFIC! (The right traffic)
And to do that, I use a specific system - very similar to this wedding venue tour booking system!
You CANNOT market to the masses!
You HAVE TO find and attract your dream clients by meeting them 'where they're at' and 'by talking their language'
You also HAVE TO step up your game!
Watch this to find out all the info you need about The Wedding Venue Tour Booking System!
I do offer a discovery/strategy call - but I do charge $97 for the call as it is an in-depth call tailored for your wedding venue.
I do recommend watching this first though as this may help with the questions you have...
Watch this video to find out all the info you need about The Wedding Venue Tour Booking System!
Approx 21 Days! But once it is set-up - you can just copy and paste for each tour day
Only if you want to continue using the system. You get access to the full system for a full year for a one-time payment of $997.
After that - if you choose to continue after year one - the cost is $297 per annum.
Yes! There's a HUGE correlation between your pricing and packages and The Wedding Venue Tour Booking System so we need to discuss this together to define the first step in the plan.
Don't worry - you don't have to change your prices if you don't want to!
This coaching call is INSPIRATIONAL
I'll give you ideas that I'm sure you've never considered!
And it also helps me understand exactly who your target audience and who we need to attract with the ads!
You control the Ad spend. It can be as much or as little as you have available. Obviously the more you have - the more people will see your ads, but I have worked with small budgets and still made this work!
I don't touch Google Ads! To me, they are the biggest waste for wedding venues and something you should definitely look into if you are using them and not getting any tours and wedding bookings from them.
The current offer is $997 (once-off fee)
The alternative payment plan is $500 upfront followed by another payment of $500 in 30 days time.
If you need a different payment plan - please reach out to me at [email protected]
Yes, of course!
Kathy, a wedding venue owner in Texas did that. She doubled her prices and sold a package worth $24000 the very next day!
Book a Pricing & Packages Coaching Call for $297 here!
Due to the nature of this product - no refunds are accepted!
Please watch this video before signing up and ensure you read the terms and conditions to ensure you understand what you are purchasing!
I can assure you that this system works and will help you get more wedding venue tours if you follow the process.
If you are not fully satisfied by the service you receive from me - please reach out to [email protected] to discuss further.
I have been in the wedding industry since 2009 when I started my first wedding planning company - since then I've gone on to create multiple wedding related companies and in 2017, I became a highly-experienced wedding business coach and marketing VA!
Here's why you can trust me...
I've worked at 300+ weddings over the years!
Organized and managed 250+ Bridal Expos at top wedding venues!
Worked for multiple SEO and marketing agencies, incl venues!
Started my own marketing agency specializing in automated leads and SEO!
Worked with 50+ wedding companies as a coach or marketing VA!
And watch the wedding venue tours and bookings roll in!
“Natalie I think I just sold the $24,500 package!!”
"Yep!! They want the 4th package for sure!
Can you believe this is the first one I booked lol"
Kathy – Texas
“I am SO impressed!!! You've really inspired me!
I've already created my 4 packages and ready for the next step"
Nicko – New England
“We now know what we should expect from the
marketing agency we're working with - just knowing
this and having this background understanding of how we should
be using ads to get wedding tour bookings is Gold.
We would never have known about those extra social media tips
if you hadn't pointed them out to us in our coaching session"
Nadia – South Africa
“Your thought-provoking questions and advice literally gave
me a light bulb moment for the business.
Pricing has been what held me back for years and
I’m so grateful to have been able to connect with you
to help me get over this roadblock.
It was also helpful that you can relate to where I am.
Beyond being able to move forward with pricing you
solidified my mentality of not undervaluing the business."
Eboni – Atlanta, GA
“Natalie is awesome and really knows Facebook ads!
Especially in the wedding industry! She is a rock star!!!”
Anthony – California
“Nats - we booked 3 weddings on Sunday!!!”
Onwaba – South Africa
Get a FREE Pricing & Packages Coaching Session With Me (Valued at $297)!
Get the ENTIRE Wedding Venue Tour Booking System (I'll set it all up for you/with you) (Valued at $3500!)
Get all the BONUS Tools and Templates you'll need to roll out the system! (Valued at $1500)
Get access to me for 30 days! (I'll be there to support as the system rolls out) (Valued at $1500)